Members put the “Community” in ALX Community

So much has changed in such a short time but one thing remains constant – the power of community. While the recent Covid-19 pandemic has affected all of our daily lives here in Alexandria and across the world, some local community members are stepping up to make a difference.

Our members at ACT for Alexandria launched ACT Now COVID-19 Response Fund right away. Thanks to the generosity of Alexandrians, as of April 9, 2020, the ACT Now COVID-19 Response Fund has raised more than $530,000 and made more than $525,000 in grants to local nonprofits.

In other good news, Alexandria Restaurant Partners has launched a special gift card program where 50% of gift card sales will be donated directly to a dedicated employee relief fund. As a special thank you for your support, all gift card purchases of $25 or more will receive a 20% bonus gift card that may be used for food or drink purchases at any ARP restaurant. Giving back to your community has never been this easy. Buy yours now!

We are also proud to share that one of our Founding Members, Sarah Locke of Old Town Tax Consultants, has donated her services to the Alexandria Restaurant Partners team.

We are so proud of how ALX members have used this unprecedented time to unify our community. Has your business been giving back to the community in this time of need? Do you have good news to share? We want to hear all about it! Share with us here.